
Windows 11 Ghost box

It could be invisible or could display as a white box, usually in the bottom right corner of the monitor screen. There are various remedies, such as using Task Manager to restart Windows Explorer.

Another possibility is the program SuperAntiSpyware. Uninstalling it and re-installing it seemed to fix the problem.

WordPress OTW Portfolio Plugin – Categories Running Off The Page

OTW Portfolio Plugin – categories extend beyond the visible area of the page. It is called the OTW Filter.

In GoDaddy’s cPanel, follow the path to the otw-portfolio.css file.

File Name: public_html/wp-content/plugins/otw-portfolio-light/css/otw-portfolio.css

Use the “Code Editor” and navigate to line 1440 and edit the line for display. Simply change:

display: inline; to display: inline-block;

Original Code

.otw-sc-portfolio .otw-portfolio-filter li {
font-family: “Open Sans”, sans-serif;
color: #969696;
display: inline;
padding: 0;

Change to:

.otw-sc-portfolio .otw-portfolio-filter li {
font-family: “Open Sans”, sans-serif;
color: #969696;
display: inline-block;
padding: 0;

Be sure to save the file before exiting.


How To Force Browser to Clear Cache in WordPress

Windows 10 – Slow Printing & Print Queue Errors

Click Start, Settings, Devices and Printers and Scanners. Click the printer and select “Manage”. Click Printer Properties. Select Advanced Tab and set spooling to “Start printing after last page has spooled”. Uncheck “Enable advanced printing features”.

Go to the Ports tab, disable bidirectional support, then click on configure port and disable SNMP

Airtable – Previous Month Filter

Airtable – Previous Month Filter

Create a formula field in the table called “Previous Month”. We want this formula to be 1 when the date is in the previous month, and 0 otherwise. So we can use this formula:


It takes the time NOW() and subtracts one month from it using DATEADD().

Windows 10 – Phantom Drive

PC shows a brand new “local drive” with drive letter E: that shows up on the File Explorer screen. The system is constantly issuing notifications that the drive is running out of space on Local Drive E: and needs to do something about it. A “Low Disk Space” warning icon is almost continuously present in the system area of the toolbar. When opening Drive E: in File Explorer to see what it contains, it shows only “This folder is empty”.

(A) The extra drive is supposed to exist, but you’re not supposed to be able to see it and it isn’t supposed to warn you about low disk space. Since that drive is supposed to be invisible and never touched, it’s okay for it to be “nearly full”.


(A) To Remove Drive Letter in Command Prompt

1. Open an elevated command prompt.

2. Enter diskpart into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

3. Enter list volume into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter.

4. Make note of the volume number (ex: 5) for the drive letter (ex: “G”) you want to remove.

5. Enter the command below into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter.

select volume

Substitute in the command above with the actual volume number (ex: “5”) from step 4 above for the drive letter (ex: “G”) you want to remove.

For example: select volume 5

6. Enter the command below into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter.

remove letter=

Substitute in the command above with the actual drive letter (ex: “G”) you want to remove.

For example: remove letter=G

If the new drive letter you assign is not available, you will get an error message indicating so in the command prompt. You will just need to repeat this step to assign an available drive letter.

7. When finished, you can close the elevated command prompt if you like.